EE482B Advanced Computer Organization:
Interconnection Networks
Spring 2002-3
Scribed Lecture Notes, 2001
Lecture 1 Scribe - Andrew Chang (4/4/01)
Lecture 2 Scribe (Revised) - Amit Gupta and Francois Labonte (4/9/01)
Lecture 3 Scribe - Jason Kassoff and Paul Wang Lee (4/11/01)
Lecture 4 Scribe - Lesley Chang, Suresh Sankaralingam, and Prashant Nedungadi (4/16/01)
Lecture 5 Scribe - Diana Pang, Alexandre Solomatnikov, and James Hsu (4/18/01)
Lecture 6 Scribe - Mattan Erez and Brian Towles (4/23/01)
Lecture 7 Scribe - Dimitris Papadopoulos and Ben Serebrin(4/25/01)
Lecture 8 Scribe - Arjun Singh, Mohamed Ali Kilani, and Kiran Goyal(4/30/01)
Lecture 9 Scribe - Alok Kuchlous and Mayank Gupta(5/2/01)
Lecture 10 Scribe - Gaurav Chandra, Allen Ong, and Anamaya Sullery (5/7/01)
Lecture 11 Scribe - David Wang and Milind Kopikare (5/14/01)
Lecture 12 Scribe - Vaishali Kulkarni and Gaurav Garg (5/16/01)
Lecture 13 Scribe - Melvyn Lim and TJ Leong (5/21/01)